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50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques
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50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques
Larry Berman, Chris Maher, and Gregory Georges

50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques

in all major book stores

What George Schaub (editor of Shutterbug) has to say about our book:
We're very proud of our staff of contributors here at Shutterbug and our sister publication eDigitalPHOTO and how they've helped us all in our need to know the latest in digital cameras and techniques. We're even prouder when they bring their accumulated knowledge and experience to bear on a new book; and we're even prouder when they collaborate on that book. 50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques is the new book from Gregory Georges, Larry Berman, and Chris Maher. This new book from Wiley Publishing is packed with great information for the digital camera user and is aimed primarily at what we call the digicam, or compact digital camera crowd. In over 300 pages, you'll find great tips on how to get familiar with your digital camera, a while bunch of great picture making techniques, how-to's on advanced features, choosing accessories to enhance your digital experience, creative photography, and moving up to a DSLR. Included with this well-illustrated book is a CD-ROM with all the images in the book plus a tryout version of Photoshop Elements 2.0 and more. There's also a companion web site at, an online forum for the book, and e-mail addresses where you can communicate with the authors. All in all, it's a great book to have and to use. By the way, if you'd prefer the e-book version you can use the CD-ROM to access it as well. Is this a plug for our writers? You bet, and like I said we're proud of the work they do and hope that when you see a book or workshop or any other endeavor our contributors engage in you support them and use it as another learning experience.

George Schaub's Editor's Notes
August 2003 Shutterbug Magazine

Web site content © Larry Berman, Chris Maher, or the originating artists

Chris Maher
PO Box 5, Lambertville, MI, 48144

Larry Berman
PO Box 265, Russellton,  PA  15076

Web Site Design by Larry Berman and Chris Maher